M.D’s Desk

Dear Children and Parents,

 Every year hundreds of kids, with big and bright dreams march into our portals and are eager to share with us the varied things that they would like to grow up and do. The many different roles they’d like to play and the wondrous ways in which they’d like to change the world. And every year, each one of them inspires me to get for them the very best of educational facilities and design an environment where children may learn to learn. 

Where the little ones can grow to understand the process of becoming what they wish to be, in a responsible and conscientious manner. Where “education” goes beyond the mere cramming of pre-discovered facts and theorems and enters a realm where young minds, are designed to become inquirers, thinkers, achievers, communicators and above all Global Citizens with a conscious rooted deep in the Indian value system.

 Encouraged by the response and enthusiasm of the students, parents and teachers who formed the first team, my team and I strongly believe, it’s time to bring this unique system to little children from the moment they begin school. As such, we at AIS wait to welcome all the little ones within the gates of our most passionately developed creation – The Akshar International School.

 A 348,480 sq. ft. space dedicated entirely to the needs of growing children. A space where they can dream, believe, fly and be the people they’d like to be. As I look upon children’s bright and eager faces and the opportunities my team has planned for their future, from our portals I envision, the birth of conscientious leaders, responsible achievers and principled citizens of the world.